Why Wetlands Matter
Melissa Borland Melissa Borland

Why Wetlands Matter

Melissa Borland takes a look inside the meaning and thought process behind her “Coastal Wetlands Collection” featuring scenes from the Lowcountry and Charleston, SC.

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Lessons From Slowing Down
Melissa Borland Melissa Borland

Lessons From Slowing Down

Although it’s “busy” when we visit…making sure we see all the cousins, entertaining the kids, etc,…it’s a different setting.  It gets me out of my head, out of my regular routine, and more into the moment.  Whenever we go to Grandma and Grandpa’s, we all just slow down a little bit because we know that that time with them is so precious and far and few in between.  Every time I come home I think, I’m gonna be THAT present in my daily life!  I’m gonna slow down for the moments that matter! …and sometimes that happens…and sometimes it doesn’t.  It’s one of those things that is always developing, isn’t it?

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