My New Year’s Resolutions

Well I guess one of my resolutions isn’t being on time. It’s almost March, and I’m just now getting around to sharing some new goals for myself in my art business.

Firstly, I want to make my art more available to people so have decided to make many more prints this year.  The guy that does my prints is a small local business and photographs the artwork himself.  His work is SUPERB, so be on the outlook on my website and social media for those.  Here are a few available prints below. Just click on the artwork you fancy, and it will take you to the website page.

The second goal I have for myself is to get in front of the camera more.  I enjoy posting photos, but I want to be more vulnerable and authentic with my audience.  If you want a good laugh 😂, you can check out a couple of my recent "authentic" posts by clicking on the photos below:


What about you? Take a moment to write in the comments something you’d like to accomplish this year? It can be internally, externally, business, personal, etc. I’d love to hear. Ciao for now!




Who here’s a bird lover?


Reflections From A Covid Christmas