3 new Autumn works: the thought processes behind the paintings

September 27, 2024

Happy Fall, Y’all!  Well, those of you in the northern hemisphere anyway.  It’s definitely a NEW and different season at our house.  We’ve been celebrating this season by raising tadpoles and Monarch caterpillars (which are lessons about seasons in themselves are they not?). It’s been an incredible process to watch with the kiddos and given us so many opportunities to discuss life parallels!  I’ll give an example.  Did you know that when a butterfly in chrysalis stage, it’s actually still working really hard to develop and survive?  I’m speaking mostly to myself and the women on this one, but just because we’re not seeing growth and development on the outside, does not mean things aren’t happening inside of us or that our hearts aren’t being primed for what’s to come.  I know in our culture, a lot of value is placed on productivity and getting everything checked off the list.  I feel that weight too!  But watching these little guys develop each year has taught me that one season cannot exist without the prior season.  It’s okay to have times in life when there is nothing seemingly happening on the outside.  What is seen is not necessarily indicative of what is actually happening.  Anyway, all that to say, I’m practicing slowing down, noticing, reflecting on the season of summer and where it’s led me to this season, on the outside AND the inside!

These Fall reflections have recently inspired me to paint three new works to commemorate these thoughts and experiences in my brain and heart.  The colors and shapes in these pieces are particularly the ones that stand out to me as we transition from summer into the fall.  Here are the paintings below titled : An Homage To Autumn: 1, 2, and 3.  When I look at these pieces, I like to remember the struggle of the butterflies we recently raised—their fight to survive the five instars (stages) of being a caterpillar, that last shed where they become a chrysalis, the long and patient wait of being transformed from the inside out, and finally, giving birth to themselves!  As delicate as Monarchs are, they sure are tough! (And I didn’t even get into their migrations or surviving predators!)  I also like to remember transitions and how they’re often transformative to those experiencing them. This is a season about being present, noticing what this season has to offer, and embracing it like a Monarch. Thankfully when I paint, it’s one of the only times my brain will slow down enough to meditate on ideas like seasons, struggles, transformation, etc. I hope as you enjoy these paintings that they will be a reminder to embrace whatever your season of life is giving you at the moment as well. I’d love to hear about your journey in the comments below!

Homage To Autumn No. 1

20x16 inches

Acrylic on canvas 

An Homage To Autumn No. 2

20x16 inches

Acrylic on canvas

An Homage To Autumn No. 3

24x18 inches

Acrylic on canvas

As the end of the year approaches (Can you believe Christmas is only 92 days away?), I’m gearing up for a few markets in the Charleston area.  Stay tuned to see some fun gifts and home decor I’m currently making in the upcoming weeks. For the more current updates, follow me on social media.  As always, thanks for all your support and following my artistic journey!  Until next time!



P.S.  Check out the link below to see a video time-lapse I took of a caterpillar becoming a chrysalis!


Bring Beauty Inside: this collection is not just about flowers


Being Featured In Charleston Women Magazine!